Three questions to win a place for 2 people at our Polartec X Millet Rise up camp in Chamonix. A unique alpine experience at the heart of the alpinism mecca. You will be guided by a mountain guide. No need to be an expert, pleasure and sharing with our athletes, Millet and Polartec team is our goal. On 1st november, we will draw 3 winners among the correct answers. The Rise Up camp will be held the week of December 6-12. Try your luck.

Which mountaineer helped the Millet brothers to design the first mountaineering backpacks, including the one he worn in 1950 on the summit of Annapurna, the first 8000m conquered ?
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In Which year, Polartec create the first fleece representing a clear innovation into the outdoor industry ?
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What is the particularity of the Heritage fleeces ?
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